When he holds me I feel small. When he holds me it doesn't matter that I'm actually 3 inches taller and falling apart, I feel like I'm home. When he holds me I can finally stop thinking and breathe.

When he smiles I forget that I don't believe in love. When he smiles I remember that there are so many good things all around me that I take for granted. When he smiles I smile too.

When he's not here my heat beats faster when my phone buzzes. When he's not here I cross days off my calendar and embrace the mundane. When he's not here we laugh on the phone and pretend it's as good as living in the same city.

It's a strange feeling to have someone grow into a life you always thought only had room for one. It's strange to crave the irrational happiness that comes from a simple smile. It's strange to realise you were wrong for a very long time.

You are capable of love after all. Sucker.